Monday, March 16, 2009

[day 73 ... march 14]

Cory started watching "Toy Story" again this week, and of course, that brought on the sudden desire to borrow the potato head family from Sue again. I offered to ask her about it if he was ready to pack up the Army trucks and take them back. Oh, in a heartbeat - no question!

Sue thought today would be a good day to drop by for an exchange and a quick visit. Her dad had surgery last month and I wanted to see how he was doing as well, and he's a busy fellow with all his rehab and other appointments. So today was the day. Cory was counting down to it all week - one track mind! We enjoyed a bit of catching up, and he was so patient while Sue, her mom and dad and I all chatted. Amanda came up to say hi and Cory was so sweet, going over to sit with her and visit a bit. Niall wanted to come too, and he was bouncing off the walls in Sue's parents' little living room but we managed to get in a bit of a visit anyway. Then downstairs to find the beloved potato heads, and off for home to start playing with them. Such fun - Cory gets so into it.

Then Niall decided to set up a "town" in the family room with various items like shops with things for sale, a car lot, etc. - all so he could transform into a monster and come crashing through to knock them all down. Cory, of course, had to set up a similar scene in the living room. This is Niall taking great delight in playing the monster.

Niall also thought this was the day to make a movie of the chicks doing their cheeping thing. It was so cute: he added little "cue cards" saying things like "The one we thought wasn't going to make it," etc. And then finally "The End" for the last one. Maybe he's got a film career in his future (among many other possibilities!)

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